South Pike Junior High School Cheerleader Community Service Project

Check out the amazing service project completed by the cheerleading squad at South Pike Jr. High! In honor of the holiday season, the team donated personal hygiene products, socks, hats, non-perishable goods, and cleaning supplies to support SW MS Christian Outreach Ministries WINGS and GUEST House of Hope. It's great to see such generosity and compassion from these young individuals. The photo below includes the squad members and some of the staff who helped make this project a success. Congratulations to Coach Terri Baylor and Coach Ervin Jackson for leading such a wonderful group of students. Keep up the excellent work, South Pike Jr. High!

Pictured from left to right, are Annie V. May, Program Director, principal Ms. Shakevia Barnes, Samiya Bonds, Sanyae Hayes, Kaylin Givens, assistant principal Dr. Veronica Christians, Keri Battiste, Kamrin Reese, Jalea Jackson, Storii Mixon, Jazmin Williams, Oshean Keys, Trinity Badon, Karmyn Green, Jamie Stewart, President/Executive Director and Coach Terri Baylor. Not pictured Imyrie Daigle, Coach Ervin Jackson.

